How do clinical trials work?
What is availability bias?
Why do we believe some things and not others? How can we make intelligent, informed decisions about cancer treatments? This video will help you.
What is confirmation bias?
How does confirmation bias affect you? Why is it particularly dangerous for cancer patients?
What is chemotherapy like?
What’s like really like to have chemotherapy?
What is survivor bias?
Survivor bias is deadly for cancer patients. It’s one of the key reasons cancer patients do dumb treatments they’ve read about online. How does it affect you? How can you avoid falling into the survivor bias trap? This video will
What is radiotherapy like?
What’s it like to have radiotherapy?
What is bias?
Humans are subject to many kinds of bias. What does this mean for you as a cancer patient or carer?
What is a PET scan?
How does a PET (positron emission tomography) scan work? Are they dangerous? What happens when you have a PET scan? Find out in this simple video.
What is the difference between open surgery and laparoscopic surgery?
Many cancer surgeries are done using laparoscopic surgery. This has many benefits but sometimes open surgery is necessary. Find out why in this short video.